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What is the Paula Hawkins Award?

Jan 17, 2024

Senator Paula HawkinsThe Senator Paula Hawkins Family Service Award is an award sponsored by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Orlando, Florida, and was awarded first to Senator Paula Hawkins, herself, in October 2006 during Orange County’s Week of the Family for her work on the Senate Children’s Caucus.  She was effective in raising public awareness of child abuse and was instrumental in passing the Missing Children’s Act of 1982, which established a national clearinghouse for information about missing children. Since then, the award is given annually to a person who has labored to protect children and strengthen families.

The purpose is to publicly recognize a living person living ing Orange County, Florida who has labored diligently to protect children and strengthen families.

Nominations are to be made on the Week of the Family website form.


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