

how to


Each year the Theme of the Contest is announced.


  • Interpret the theme and produce a video of no more than 2 minutes in length.
  • Memes are limited to one entry per student.
  • Video must be produced by the student. The student does not need to be in the video.

Entries must be submitted before the deadline.

Video for help creating your entry


Entry Form

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Name of Parent or Guardian
Student Name
Student Address
Teacher or Principal Name
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload file type allowed: .mpg, .mov, .wmv, mp4, jpg, png, gif, pdf ::: maximum file size: 10 MB
I am the parent or guardian of the student who is submitting the entry, I am over 18, and I agree to the following Contest Terms & Conditions.
By clicking the "I Agree" check box on the Video/Meme contest form from Week of the Family (hereafter "Contest"), you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions: You hereby authorize the Week of the Family Foundation (hereafter "Foundation") to publish videos, memes, your names and likenesses, and the names and likenesses of those in your memes and videos. You certify that you have obtained permission from those individuals appearing in said memes or videos, preferably in writing, and that they, or their legal guardians if under 18, have waived any and all rights to their likeness in the material submitted, ad infinitem. Further, you attest that these individuals understand and acknowledge the Foundation has permission to use these materials without limitation in the Foundation's print, online and video-based marketing materials, as well as any other publications as the Foundation shall determine. You certify you are releasing and holding harmless the Week of the Family Foundation from any reasonable expectation of privacy or confidentiality associated with the images specified above. You further acknowledge that your participation in the Contest is voluntary and that no financial compensation of any type shall be paid in association with the taking or publication of these photographs, memes, videos, or participation in marketing materials or other publications. You acknowledge and agree that publication of said photos, memes, or videos confers no rights of ownership or royalties whatsoever. You hereby release the Foundation, its contractors, and any third parties involved in the creation or publication of marketing materials, from liability for any claims by you or any third party in connection with your participation in this Contest.
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